Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Wk10 - Progress

  • The residential buildings to the right side of the polyline redefines the site to display a curved surface which is deformed and managed by 4 attractor points on the polyline. This formation results in an open circulation carved straight through from one end to the other suggesting a notion of fluid motion and flow through fenestration.
  • The facade will cover much of the built form except for the residential buildings which will extrude through individual holes in the roof of the envelope.

  • The site in question also suggest a separation between the aquatic and the parkland with Macquarie St dividing the two public spaces. My idea is to connect the two disparate and fundamental spaces with an elevated bridge extruding from the facade.

  • Experimentations in Rhino and Grasshopper shows the use of the attractor point to create the image below. The components used was to create a plane with points places on the x and y axis with affiliated sliders to manage the amount and spaces of these points. Extrusions in z axis was then created to provide length and end points. This led to the connection in responding to the attractor point controlled by the MD slider. From there cylinder forms linked with solid difference component were used to create the hole. The results have proven successful in creating the early stages of my design.

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